25 Mar 2010

The Modern Relevance of Paganism

Beware the "Capitalist Death Cult" and its proxy non-religions

Paganism in the 21st century may seem like some kind of game, cynically indulged in, for a variety of motives, by people who frankly know better; a kind of spiritual “cosplay” or parlor game; an ironic pose in the vain hope of being thought “interesting” – essentially ego-driven.

The assumption behind this perception of paganism is that, in this day and age, the only viable mindset is skeptical rational agnosia or some kind of purely "cultural" affiliation with one of the so-called "great religions" (i.e. Buddhism, Christianity, Islam), or the still-going group religion to which one is born into - Sikhism, Judaism, or Shintoism. As long as you don't take it too seriously. This is what we are directed to by the dominant global culture, a road plan devised by the winners of history.

This view contains fallacies and hollow idols that I will now draw attention to.

(1) Rationalism is an illusion fuelled by emotions. This is possible because, even with rigorous logic, false premises and the selective input of data allow rationalism to be corrupted to the point of meaninglessness. This means that all knowledge is essentially non-objective and non-universal. In short we exist in a state of agnosia (literally a lack of universally valid knowledge).

(2) In an age of agnosia, faith and will become objective although not universal truths.

(3) The decreed religions that our culture sanctifies are all politically loaded and reflect the globalist politics of the present age, namely the attempt to make us all conform to global norms and economic practices for the simple reason of maximizing profit returns on lent capital.

This element of global spiritual totalitarianism is especially true of Christianity, which is the continuation of Roman political imperialism by other means, and which has provided the template for (a) the intellectual totalitarianism of rationalism (with its constant invocation of the notions of heresy and witch hunt) and (b) the assumption of moral superiority that underpins the post-Christian globalist capitalist system.

The historical pattern is for these totalitarian "great religions" to take over specific global regions, wiping out and absorbing indigenous, grassroots pagan beliefs, and then for those "great religions" to be progressively watered down to a point of meaningless and similitude to create an acultural skeptical rational agnosia that allows complete surrender to the real "religion," the Capitalist Death Cult of greed and interest-driven over-economization of the human race, even to the point of its destruction.

At a political level, paganism is an attempt to resist this unnatural and economically-determined deculturization and intellectual totalitarianism, and an attempt to protect a true diversity that reflects the natural diversity of the world. In this sense, paganism has a high and absolute moral purpose that trumps the short term "certainties" of the totalitarian puppet religions of the Capitalist Death Cult.

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