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20 Feb 2011

Pagan Slavic Paintings by Vsevolod Borisovich Ivanov

This video serves as a brief introduction to the paintings of Vsevolod Borisovich Ivanov, a Russian pagan artist. (Note that the video title gives the wrong patronym!)

Ivanov was born in 1950 and began professionally illustrating in the late 1970s. In a recent interview he took a vehement anti-globalist and pro-regionalist position. He also said that he wants to continue illustrating what he describes as his "Vedic Russia" series, showing ancient Slavic myths and pagan beliefs, until he dies.


  1. As for paganism I'm not in for it. But hey, anything short of nihilism is good these days.

    I wonder: do latter-day pagans see their creed compatible with christendom? Or are they as much against it as Jews and Muslims are?

    Do you join forces with Jews and Muslims in taking down Christ?

    I guess I get a tolerant answer from you, a verbal pagan. But do all pagans tolerate christianity?

    (As for myself I like to read the Edda and delve into the shamanistic world of Castaneda, parallell to my more existentialist involvment in christianity. In case you wonder.)

  2. Paganism is a broad movement with diverse elements. My take on it is that we should restore ancient indigenous culture as much as possible, avoid "New Age-ism" with all its anachronistic pseudo-pagan junk, and reject Christianity in as much as it is essentially an alien desert religion imposed on Europe by the First Globalist Totalitarian State (i.e. The Roman Empire) for its own reasons.

    One irony is that Christianity is in many cases the best repository of ancient paganism. For example the Virgin Mary is a substitute for the Goddess Diana, the Archangel Michael has many of the attributes of Mithras, etc.

  3. Those paintings are really inspiring. Do you know more about this artist? Where can we get this interview?
    Thank you in advance!

  4. Farvardin,

    I agree. These are beautiful paintings. I know very little about the artist beyond what I have posted here. I am continuing my research into his art and will post more images and information on this blog in due time.

  5. Pure, blatant impressionism (btw. Hitler was an impressionist himself too), which suits me XD. Do you know the name of the piece or the author?

  6. Good to see another Rashyan being remembered.

  7. I'd take neo-paganism seriously if it didn't seem like an insincere reactionary political movement disguised as religion.


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