
27 May 2024


Pompeii is the gift that keep giving. Since it was buried by a shower of volcanic ash almost 2000 years ago, the middle-sized Roman town has served as a time capsule -- or, more accurately, a series of time capsules, with new discoveries coming out every now and then. Just last month  two newly uncovered frescoes were revealed to the public, both of which are of excellent quality and in a fine state of preservation.

The one above shows a scene from the Iliad, with Paris the Prince of Troy, meeting Helen, the wife of Menelaus
. Their elopement was the cause of the famous Trojan War with all its legendary and divine aspects.

The one below shows the Greek and Roman god Apollo 
trying to seduce the priestess and prophetess Cassandra. When she rejected him, Apollo, motivated by "incel" rage,  made everyone ignore her prophecies and warnings, including those concerning the Trojan War.

The room in which both frescoes were discovered also includes a near-complete mosaic floor with more than a million individual white tiles. 

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